Industrial grade computers are the building blocks of today’s modern factories. Industrial grade computers have helped usher in the next industrial revolution, the smart factory revolution. With the smart factory revolution has come the need for specialized industrial grade computers to fulfill specific niches in the manufacturing process. Tangent has filled these niches with three […]
Category: essential business

How To Easily Take Customer’s Skin Temperatures
Taking customer’s skin temperatures has become one of the most widespread ways to screen for symptoms of infection during this pandemic. While fever detection may be useful, it also has its drawbacks. Take for instance, Disneyworld’s approach to fever screening. Patrons have their temperature taken by park staff using handheld fever detectors. If their temperature […]

How Can An Industrial Workforce Enter The Digital Age?
While the smart factory revolution rages on, the workers that make up these smart factories should not be ignored. It is true that the use of industrial computers to create smart factories has helped increase productivity, but the synergy between workers and their industrial computers should not be ignored. Increasing your workforce’s ability to use […]

Easily Take Customer’s Temperature With A Temperature Scanner Kiosk
Keeping both customers and employees safe during this pandemic is the first priority of every essential business. But with case numbers around the U.S. continuing to increase, keeping businesses open in a safe manner is becoming increasingly difficult. How can businesses ensure that only uninfected persons enter their store? Thermal Temperature Scanner Kiosks can help […]

Expanding Food Processing Plant Capabilities To Meet Demand With Industrial Computers
Despite looming economic uncertainty, the food processing industry is doing well. Many food processing companies are even struggling to meet demand, as sales of foods such as canned tuna surge, driving wholesale prices up by 41%. How can food processing plants keep up with demand? Keeping their equipment such as industrial computers up to date […]

Medical Tablets For Hospital Safety
While phased reopenings in various states continue, the trend of infection cases is only increasing. While this is worrisome on its own, the impact this can have on our healthcare system is not to be underestimated. Keeping patients safe is the priority of every hospital, and in these times this priority is all the more […]

Reducing Hospital Readmission Rates
As hospitals around the country reopen to elective procedures, unresolved challenges must once again be grappled with. One of these challenges is the reduction of hospital readmission rates. Hospital readmission refers to the readmission of a patient less than 30 days after a procedure, normally due to complications. According to the American Institute of Research, […]

Tangent: Three Ways For Industry To Bounce Back
As the nation looks towards reopening, industrial sectors around the country will need to rethink how they do business. As our economy recovers, it will be at the expense of sectors unwilling to transform the way they operate. Keeping your business looking toward the future is crucial to maintaining a healthy and successful company. To […]

Reducing Frontline Healthcare Worker’s Stress And Anxiety
This crisis has taken a toll on all of us, but frontline healthcare workers have taken the brunt of this crisis. The doctors, nurses, and medical staff protecting the public health are doing so at their own risk. It’s no wonder then why some frontline healthcare facilities are seeing depression symptom rates of 50%. Experts […]

Industrial Grade Computers Versus Commercial Computers
While it may be tempting to think that all computers are created equal, this simply is not the case. Every computer is built for a specific purpose whether or not it is labeled as such. Industrial grade computers are computers that are designed for industrial applications like manufacturing and oil processing. Industrial grade computers differ […]