Chemical processing and refining plants are some of the most technologically advanced and complex industrial facilities known to man. The changing of one group of compounds into another is a process that requires time, energy, and money. But there is a way to save all three of these during the course of production. With industrial […]
Category: Waterproof Computer

3 Ways Remote Monitoring Can Help Your Hospital
As new case numbers continue to set records daily, hospitals must rethink the ways in which they see patients. Telehealth has been an indispensable tool during this pandemic to keep both doctors and patients safe, but it is only one part of the solution. With the addition of remote monitoring on medical grade computers, hospitals […]

Is Virtual Primary Care Possible With Telehealth On Medical Computers?
As we march through this pandemic, the ways in which we live our daily lives have changed drastically. One of these ways is the adoption of telehealth technology for non-essential primary-care visits. In March alone, telehealth visits were up 4346.94% compared to March 2019. The quickly expanding scale of telehealth on medical computers is astonishing, […]

Sanitizable Computers For 24/7 Use
While the current situation the world faces is unprecedented, the healthcare industry has stepped up to make sure that the world remains as safe as possible. Hospitals around the country have made due with limited supplies as supplies of PPE. Working around the clock, hospitals and healthcare workers have stepped up to the plate and […]

How To Prevent Critical Electronic Health Records Mistakes
There’s no doubt that medical grade computers have made hospitals safer, more productive environments to treat patients. From their antimicrobial coating which mitigates the growth of nosocomial infection causing bacteria to their robust IP certified water resistance, medical grade computers have made a lasting impact on the quality of care provided to patients. Sadly, […]

Waterproof Computers – Tangent Waterproof Computers
Not every computer is created equal, and not every computer is able to handle the harsh environments present in the industrial setting. With oil production on the rise in the United States, keeping your refineries and drilling platforms operating is crucial to staying competitive. At Tangent, we have created a full line of waterproof computers, […]