Taking customer’s skin temperatures has become one of the most widespread ways to screen for symptoms of infection during this pandemic. While fever detection may be useful, it also has its drawbacks. Take for instance, Disneyworld’s approach to fever screening. Patrons have their temperature taken by park staff using handheld fever detectors. If their temperature […]
Category: fever scanner

How To Measure Skin Temperatures Quickly
While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to screening for symptoms of the virus during this pandemic, there are ways of performing screenings for symptomatic individuals. The NBA is strictly monitoring everyone in their bubble’s daily temperatures to ensure that any outbreak is immediately discovered. While not every store, hospital, and essential business has access to […]

Infection Detection In The Hospital
Hospitals around the country are facing the potential risk of reaching ICU capacity. Miami-Dade county alone is seeing their hospitals at 146% capacity — a shocking figure. With this many infected persons in the hospital, the risk of infection becomes exponential to healthcare workers, traditional patients, and the community. This also presents a logistical problem: […]

Easily Take Customer’s Temperature With A Temperature Scanner Kiosk
Keeping both customers and employees safe during this pandemic is the first priority of every essential business. But with case numbers around the U.S. continuing to increase, keeping businesses open in a safe manner is becoming increasingly difficult. How can businesses ensure that only uninfected persons enter their store? Thermal Temperature Scanner Kiosks can help […]

AI Thermal Scanner For Better Skin Temperature Detection
While this pandemic continues, there is no such thing as “too much precaution.” Mitigating the risk of infection for those who leave their home will be crucial in preventing more infections. In order to do this, screening employees and customers for symptoms of infection should occur. While traditional temperature scanners are a great way to […]

Thermal Temperature Scanner For Elevated Skin Temperature Detection
In these times, taking every precaution possible is crucial to the mitigation of the pandemic. While some infected persons show no symptoms, many do show symptoms. Screening for signs of these symptoms has already been in place for many places such as hospitals for denying entry to potentially infected persons. With a Heatview Thermal Temperature […]

Automatic Elevated Skin Temperature Scanner Kiosk For High Congestion Areas
As infection cases around the country surge, keeping both employees and customers safe during this pandemic is more important than ever. In order to keep both hospitals and places of businesses open, Tangent has designed and manufactured the Heatview Elevated Skin Temperature Scanner Kiosk. With the Heatview Elevated Skin Temperature Scanner Kiosk, entrants can safely […]