In these times, it is becoming increasingly risky to have healthy patients enter hospitals where they can easily become disease vectors. Because of this, many hospitals are transitioning doctor visits to telehealth visits. Telehealth refers to medical computer based doctor visits, where a doctor uses a medical computer to video-chat with their patient. Telehealth has […]
Tag: medical grade computers

What Does “Medical Grade” Mean?
You may see the term “Medical Grade” floated along by many manufacturers these days in your search for proper medical equipment. Everyone, from dentist chair manufacturers to medical grade computer manufacturers, lays claim to the term, implying that their product meets the true definition. While there is no central body that organizes the term “Medical […]

Medical All-In-One PCs for 24/7 Use
As one of the most trusted public services, healthcare facilities have an obligation to serve those in their community. Health emergencies can happen at any time, and as such hospitals are expected to be open 24/7. While medical staff can be shifted so that the hospital is constantly staffed and prepared for emergencies, the same cannot […]

Fanless Medical Computers For Operating Room Use
Of the 27 million surgeries performed every year in the United States, 5% result in a Surgical site infection (SSI). A SSI is labeled as such when an infection occurs within 30 days of surgery or within one year of a foreign object being implanted in the body. While this number may seem low, the […]

Medical Computers For Emergency Room Use
In 2016, U.S. emergency rooms treated 145.6 million Americans for their emergency conditions according to the Center for Disease Control. This number has been steadily rising since the 1990s, and can be expected to continue increasing with each passing year. With such a high demand for emergency services, it is important to keep your hospital’s emergency […]

The Importance Of Antimicrobial Medical PCs
We all like to think of hospitals as places in society where people go to get healthier, and for the most part this is true. However, this is not always the case as hospitals can inadvertently become breeding grounds for harmful diseases. The CDC estimates that each and every day, 1 in 31 hospitals will […]

How To Prevent Critical Electronic Health Records Mistakes
There’s no doubt that medical grade computers have made hospitals safer, more productive environments to treat patients. From their antimicrobial coating which mitigates the growth of nosocomial infection causing bacteria to their robust IP certified water resistance, medical grade computers have made a lasting impact on the quality of care provided to patients. Sadly, […]

How Touchscreen Computers Can Aid Early Detection Efforts
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer are two of the leading causes of death globally, and the combat of these conditions is critical to improving general public health. The best methods of treating such diseases rely on the early detection of these medical issues, which is not always possible. Early detection efforts can be stalled by […]

Preventing Doctor Burnout From Computer Usage
It’s no secret that the majority of doctors choose their profession because of one ideal: they truly want to help people. Being a doctor means meeting with patients face-to-face, listening to them, and comforting them. Sadly, in our digital age, people are increasingly becoming more and more isolated as screens take the place of people. […]

Medical Grade Computers for 24/7 Use
In the hospital setting, emergencies can happen at any time. Not only should your medical personnel be ready to do their job at a moment’s notice, but so too should your equipment. Making sure that your medical PCs are able to operate on a 24/7 basis may be crucial to providing care to patients in […]