software license management

License Management Software for Effective Software Asset Management

Software asset management (SAM) is a critical practice for businesses of all sizes. It involves managing and optimizing software assets to ensure compliance, reduce costs, and enhance operational efficiency. However, manual license tracking and compliance can be complex and time-consuming, leading to significant challenges for organizations. This is where license management software comes into play, […]

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Stay on Top of All Your Subscription Payments with a Software License Manager

A software license manager helps you manage your subscription payments and stay on top of all your licenses. Learn more about this tool and its benefits. As businesses and individuals increasingly rely on software for their daily operations, managing software licenses and subscription payments can become a tedious and time-consuming task. Failure to manage licenses […]

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Man using MacBook laptop with CUBES login page on the screen

4 Benefits from CUBES License Manager

Do you have a good handle on your software license budget? Are you wasting the money that goes towards that budget on unused licenses? Many organizations have (or should have) a Software Asset Management (SAM) program in place as part of their overall business strategy. The goal of this is to help reduce costs, limit […]

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Woman using an iMac computer with CUBES license manager on the screen

Why License Management Tools Are Essential

Having a fully effective Software Asset Management (SAM) program is essential for all organizations, whether big or small. However, one of the biggest challenges is making SAM a priority, placing license management at the bottom of an organization’s “to-do” list. To help you better understand why your organization needs a license management tool, we’ve outlined […]

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software license management

License Management Software: Is CUBES The Right Fit for Your Business?

Between the plethora of options among subscriptions, SaaS, short-term software, and other licensing, businesses of all shapes and sizes have experienced an exponential change in how software is licensed. While perhaps a decade ago yearly service fees were the norm, managing licenses has become incredibly complex. With these complexities, issues such as unwanted renewal fees, […]

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