Now more than ever, hospitals and the doctors and nurses that work in them are crucial to our nation’s health. But our medical professionals are finding it hard to get the equipment they need to perform their job in a safe and effective manner. One of the best ways to ensure doctors and nurses have a safe working environment is to put sanitizable computers in their workstations.
Sanitizable Computers: Optimized For Nurse And Patient Safety
Sanitizable computers are a form of medical computer that can be wiped down regularly with cleaning products like germicidal wipes without damaging the medical computer. Sanitizable computers can play a key role in reducing infections by eliminating the amount of pathogens on one of the most commonly used surfaces in the hospital: medical computers.

A medical computer can be used by multiple doctors, nurses, and medical personnel in a single day. With sanitizable computers, the risk of one of these medical staff unknowingly passing an infection to another is greatly reduced. Sanitizable computers from Tangent also come with antimicrobial enclosures, ensuring that infection chances remain low.
Sanitizable Computers For Nurses Stations
Nurses stations are vital to hospitals, providing nurses quick access to patient information, medical equipment, and most importantly their medical computer. When a nurses station’s medical computer is a sanitizable computer, their workflow becomes far safer. Sanitizable computers can be cleaned while still in use, allowing for an uninterrupted workflow.

Not only are sanitizable computers for nurses stations clean and safe, but they are also digitally secure. Every medical computer by Tangent is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant, allowing for smarter workflows while still meeting and exceeding legal standards.
Sanitizable Computers In Telemedicine
Tangent has always been a strong supporter of telemedicine efforts. The value of telemedicine is being fully seen now, as more non-essential appointments move to telemedicine. Each medical computer by Tangent that has a web camera is optimized for video calls. This means that both doctors and nurses can use a medical computer by Tangent for their telemedicine appointments.

It’s easier than ever to set up telemedicine on a medical computer, and many of the FCC guidelines have been relaxed. However, Tangent’s own guidelines have not, and our sanitizable computers remain HIPAA compliant for video calls. Patient safety, for both patient health and patient data, is a top priority and Tangent remains committed to protecting both.
Sanitizable Computers: The Safer Way To Work
Santizable computers are one of the safest ways for hospital staff to interact with a medical computer. From their easy-to-clean screens to their use in telemedicine, there is nothing that can’t be done safer and cleaner with a sanitizable computer from Tangent.